Getting Started ๐ฆ
- Fretboard Note Names
- Staff Notes & the Fretboard
- Music Notation Vs. Rhythm Notation: how to read notation and rhythms
- Plucking Techniques
- Learning Chords & Scales
- Reading Bass Tab
Tools ๐
- Online Tuner
- Virtual Bass: interactive bass with note names
- Metronome / Drum Machine
- Scale Finder: shows all the possible notes for a scale on the fretboard
- Circle of Fifths: key and diatonic chord reference
- Chord Diagram Maker
- Music Notation: Flat (online editor) / Musescore (app)
Warmups ๐๐ป
- Warmup Exercises that Work: variety of finger patterns and warmups
Chords & Scales ๐ถ
Tabs & Lead Sheets ๐ผ
- 8notes: free sheet music for all genres.
- Hal Leonard: physical sheet music
- Ultimate Guitar: great for chord style lead sheets and tabs
Books ๐
- Bass Sessions Book 1 / Bass Sessions Book 2 by Karyn Quinn
- Jamey Abersolde Play-along Series: excellent play-along series for learning jazz and other styles